» News » Re-training of teachers for New Ukrainian School: sprint race with obstacles

Re-training of teachers for New Ukrainian School: sprint race with obstacles

The year 2018 is broadly decisive for the future of the education system. A concept (that is, an idea) and a political proposal of the Government, which was in the previous two years, from now becomes a practice throughout the country. In particular, it means that in every school there must be a trained teacher for first-grade pupils, who will be able to teach according to a new standard of Primary Education, based on the concept of the New Ukrainian School. According to the preliminary estimates of the Ministry of Education, for the start of a new school on September 1, 2018, it is needed about 22,000 trained teachers. Consequently, the question arises who and how in such a short time will prepare qualified teachers, who will be responsible for the quality of training and who will provide and monitor the process? The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 17-p of January 17, 2018 “On additional measures to improve the qualifications of teachers in 2018” is obliged to answer these questions. However, the publication of the document only raised a number of new questions among teachers and those who follow the reformation process.